The mission of MIFACIG is to support the development of agroforestry by providing trainings and thus its mission statement is “sharing trees and plants that serve life” thus, a link between the community and natural resources. The vision is to alleviate poverty
MIFACIG stands for Twangtoh Mixed Farming Common Initiative Group. It was created in 1993 and registered in 1995 with the Registrar of Cooperatives and Common Initiative Groups, as a Common Initiative Group (CIG) It has as registration number : NW/GP/01/95/777 on the law n°92/000 of 01/07/1992 and implementation degree n°92/455/PM of 23/12/92. MIFACIG is rnon profit-oriented, non denominational and apolitical
The creation of MIFACIG were spurred by living conditions in their area, where there was poverty and threats of food insufficiency. Soil fertility was lower than in other parts of the Region and this was made worse by poor agricultural practices. There was rapid loss of natural forests through unsustainable exploitation of medicinal plants, Non Timber Forest Products, fuel wood and Timber.
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The target goals of the MIFACIG Training and Resource Centre are; improved livelihoods for local communities, sustainable forest exploitation and appropriate afforestation, maintenance of the biodiversity. In the case of improved livelihoods, the MIFACIG Training and Resource Centre carries
The key objective of MIFACIG is to develop local capacity in carrying out self-help initiatives for the wellbeing of rural population while protecting and improving on environmental values. This objectives comprise of: the empowerment of rural people to extricate them from the unprivileged
Our Activities and Services
The MIFACIG training and Resource Centre offers services of Sensitisation, Training, provision of materials, marketing, follow up and coordintation of stake holders involved in preservation and afforestation, and maintenance of the biodiversity. These services are in the following domains:!
Tree domestication
This involves using a rapid vegetative method of tree multiplication which aims at maintaining fruit quality and which brings about early fructification. There are different techniques which include: bud grafting, marcotts and rooting of leafy cuttings. Tree domestication is quite appropriate for fruit trees. The MIFACIG Training and Resource
Modern apiary development.
This is a complementary rural activity to tree cultivation. The various plants produce flowers which attract bees for nectar and the bees in turn carry out their role in pollination. Unsustainable bee hunting is one of principal causes of forest destruction as the honey hunters use fire and methods which destroy trees and vegetation.
Organic gardening and medicinal plants cultivation.
This involves soil conservation, composting and other methods to maintain or improve soils. This is accompanied by improved methods for gardens and orchards in a bid to enable farmers to improve the food production in their garden with the use of organic manure and restore the soil fertility
Group dynamics
This consist of precious knowledge to lead and manage groups and to solve conflicts within different partners. A lot of farmers have very interesting self-initiatives but are not strong enough to face common difficulties faced by groups. During the UN conference on Environment and Development in Rio Earth Summit (1992),